Wednesday, December 3, 2008

In my second source I found,

Not many woman were aloud to hold jobs as being a teacher or a doctor. Woman with wealthy husbands lived different from woman with poor husbands. If your were a woman with a wealthy husband you would spend the day planning a dinner party for when your husband got home. These type of woman began their day with prayers. After that, they would order their slaves to to fix their hair, make-up and clothes to look beautiful. They were also ordered to begin the dinner and clean the house while the woman relaxed. When the husband returned from work the wife would have to begin greeting and entertaining the guests of the dinner party. Poor women in Rome woke up at the same time as their husbands and worked in the house or fields all day. Usually poor women had to complete a lot of work since they didn't have the money to pay for slaves to help them. Woman weren't as nearly respected as men were.

My hypothesis was correct, the main roles of women were to keep the home clean and take care of the children. She had to keep them clean and make sure they were well-fed.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Their job was to stay home and take care of the children and keep the home clean. They did not have control over their own money, they are also not allowed to vote. They were also not allowed to drink wine.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Woman didn't have many rights. They weren't aloud any freedom. They were not aloud out of the home without their husbands consent. In the 1800's women slowly began gaining equality.